martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

TV or no TV

1° How can TV educate people?
A: when the TV program has an interesting content in all aspects.

2° Why TV is considered an addiction?
A: because so many people prefer to stay at home watching TV in place of go out with their families or friends.

3° How many TV's do you have at home?
A: four TV's

4° In which room(s) do you have a TV?
A: in my parents room, my sister room, in the living room and in the kitchen.

5°On which day do you watch the most TV?
A: on saturday moornings.

6° Do you have the TV turned on all the time?

A: not all the time because I have homework to do.

7° In your home, who decide what to watch?

A: the rule is that we must watch a program that everybody likes.

8° What is the most popular TV show in your home?

A: Friends, Two and a Half Men, The Big Bang Theory, The Goog Wife, Brothers and Sisters.

9° How many hours a day on average do you watch TV?

A: I think that that it could be three hours in total.

10° How far do you sit from the TV?

A: like a meter and a half

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